October 5 Partner Call: Building Together to Streamline Your Governance Process & Community Platform

In case you missed our partner call last, we’re sharing our updates here for our community to stay in touch with everything we have in Common. Last month, Common's top post received 35k unique visitors and incredibly strong engagement all around. This was driven largely by discussions on Treasure DAO, Osmosis, Ion, Evmos, Stargate, and Terra. We wouldn’t be here without these communities!

Improving Moderation

We put together a list of the top five moderation features we think should be added to our product, and ask members on the call for feedback. Our list is:

  1. Trust Levels System
  2. Verified User Tags (for admins, core team, etc.)
  3. Warnings / Bans
  4. Downvoted Posts Flagged for possible Moderation
  5. Participation Delay for New Members

If you weren’t able to make the call, but have thoughts on moderation features we should prioritize, feel free to reach out to us with your ideas.

We also announced a new product update that we've been working on: a rules system. This system fundamentally improves the way admins are able to manage and organize their communities. They will be able to set rules for certain areas in their Commonwealth space, including, but not limited to, gated conversations and whitelisting areas of the forum. We are so excited to ship this feature and streamline better community management!

Design Update

Navigation refresh: We have a new, easy-to-use navigation bar on Commonwealth. The header has your profile and account dropdown, a notification modal, universal create, help, and search. The community navigation now highlights your favorite communities and your communities, as well as search for new ones.

Common Bot

We’re bringing Commonwealth to Discord! Use Commonwealth token gating in Discord and make it easier for your community to participate in governance. Our multi-chain token gating Discord bot allows communities to gate their Discords. Users only need to log in once, and the Common Bot will:

  • Allow users to participate in Commonwealth through Discord
  • Notify the Discord whenever a post or proposal is published on Commonwealth

We want to know: How else can the Common Bot help manage your discord and increase participation on Commonwealth?

Governance Research Initiative

The Commonwealth Growth Team has gone through almost 10,000 forum posts in some of our top communities to find and understand governance best practices. Topics we’re researching include:

  • How to best go about treasury allocation for the core team
  • When to create a subDAO
  • How to pitch partnerships to other projects
  • How to best leverage a forum

As always, we’re excited about the future of Commonwealth and can’t wait to build it with all of you. Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on all our product and design updates and be the first to leverage them for your community.